Plantae Pflanzen Plants (665)
General impression/habit | Flowers and flower heads
sorted by botanical species names:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z herbaceous plants woody plants Warning: The last two links should only be clicked with a fast internet connection.
sorted by common family names:
Acanthus family | Adoxaceae | Altingiaceae | Amaranth family | Amaryllis family | Aralia family | Araucariaceae | Arum family | Asparagaceae | Balsam family | Banana family | Barberry family | Bignonia family | Birch family | Bird of Paradise family | Borage family | Boxwood family | Bracken fern family | Broomrape family | Buckthorn family | Buttercup family | Cactaceae | Caltrop family | Canna family | Carpetweed family | Cat-tail family | Cypress family | Dayflower family | Didiereaceae | Dogbane family | Dogwood family | Elaeagnaceae | Evening Primrose family | Figwort family | Four o'clock family | Frankeniaceae | Frog’s-bit family | Geranium family | Ginkgo family | Gooseberry family | Gourd family | Grass family | Grass tree family | Harebell family | Heath family | Hibiscus family | Honeysuckle family | Horseradish-tree family | Horsetail family | Hydrangea family | Iris family | Knotweed family | Leadwort family | Lily family | Loosestrife family | Lopseed family | Madder family | Magnolia family | Mint family | Morning Glory family | Mulberry family | Mustard family | Myrtle family | Nettle family | Nightshade family | Oak or beech family | Olive family | Orchid family | Palm family | Pandanus family | Papaya family | Parsley or carrot family | Pea family | Peony Family | Pepper family | Phlox family | Phyllanthaceae | Pickerel weed family | Pine family | Pink family | Plantain family | Pokeweed family | Poppy family | Portulacaceae | Primrose family | Resedaceae | Rock rose family | Rose family | Saxifrage family | Sedge family | She oak family | Soapberry family | Spurge family | St. Johnswort family | Staff tree family | Stonecrop family | Sumac family | Sunflower family | Tamarisk family | Tropaeolaceae | Verbena family | Violet family | Willow family | Wood Sorrel family | Yew family | Zamiaceae |
- Agapanthus sp.
- Allium aflatunense
- Aubrieta sp.
- Calendula tripterocarpa
- Cardamine amara
- Centaurea pseudophrygia
- Corydalis intermedia
- Crinum sp.
- Cyperus capitatus
- Epimedium × versicolor
- Gagea sp.
- Helianthus x laetiflorus
- Hymenocallis sp.
- Iris histrioides × winogradowii
- Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi
- Kalanchoe luciae
- Kickxia heterophylla
- Knautia macedonica
- Launaea mucronata
- Limonium sp.
- Lotus lancerottensis
- Oenothera depressa
- Oenothera suaveolens
- Patellifolia sp.
- Persicaria mitis
- Philodendron xanadu
- Phlomis russeliana
- Pilosella cymosa
- Polemonium caeruleum
- Polycarpaea nivea
- Reseda lancerotae
- Solanum decipiens
- Valerianella sp.
- Veronica sublobata
- Addersmeat
- Alpine sea holly
- Alternate-leaved golden saxifrage
- Amaryllis
- Annual fleabane
- Arum lily
- Baby rubberplant
- Banana
- Bastard alfalfa
- Bengal clockvine
- Bermuda buttercup
- Bigleaf periwinkle
- Bigroot geranium
- Bird's-foot trefoil
- Bistort
- Bitter dock
- Bitter fleabane
- Bittercress
- Bladder campion
- Bladder dock
- Bloody crane's-bill
- Bluebells
- Boatlily
- Bog stitchwort
- Bog yellow-cress
- Bokhara clover
- Bold-leaf launaeae
- Branched bur-reed
- Broad-leaved thyme
- Broad-leaved willowherb
- Broadleaf plantain
- Brooklime
- Brown knapweed
- Bugle
- Burning love
- Bush vetch
- Cabbage thistle
- Canada golden-rod
- Canada thistle
- Canadian Horseweed
- Canary Island daisy
- Canary Samphire
- Canna
- Catmints
- Catsear
- Cattleya
- Chamomile
- Cineraria
- Cleavers
- Coltsfoot
- Common chickweed
- Common chicory
- Common comfrey
- Common cow-wheat
- Common daisy
- Common dandelion
- Common dog-violet
- Common groundsel
- Common hawkweed
- Common hemp-nettle
- Common hogweed
- Common ice plant
- Common knotweed
- Common nettle
- Common purslane
- Common reed
- Common self-heal
- Common silverweed
- Common snapdragon
- Common snowdrop
- Common soapwort
- Common sowthistle
- Common toadflax
- Common toothwort
- Common tormentil
- Common yellow woodsorrel
- Corn chamomile
- Corn poppy
- Corn sow thistle
- Cornflower
- Cow parsley
- Crane flower
- Creeping buttercup
- Creeping cinquefoil
- Creeping jenny
- Creeping navelwort
- Creeping phlox
- Crocus
- Cuckoo flower
- Culver's root
- Curlytop knotweed
- Cushion spurge
- Cut-leaved cranesbill
- Cutleaf coneflower
- Cypress spurge
- Dame’s rocket
- Dark mullein
- Daylilies
- Devil's beggarticks
- Devil's trumpet
- Dodder
- Dog's mercury
- Dragon's blood
- Dusky cranesbill
- Dutch yellow crocus
- Dwarf everlast
- Dwarf orange avens
- Elephant-eared saxifrage
- Elephant's ear kalanchoe
- Emerald ripple peperomia
- Enchanter's nightshade
- Endres cranesbill
- European black nightshade
- European searocket
- Fall phlox
- False sowthistle
- Feverfew
- Few-flowered garlic
- Field bindweed
- Field pansy
- Field penny-cress
- Figwort
- Fireweed
- Fox-and-cubs
- Foxglove
- Fuller's teasel
- Fumewort
- Garden hyacinth
- Garden loosestrife
- Garden nasturtium
- Garden pansy
- Garden vetch
- Garlic mustard
- Gerbera
- Germander speedwell
- Giant bellflower
- Giant chickweed
- Giant hogweed
- Goat's beard
- Gooseneck loosestrife
- Granny's bonnet
- Grape hyacinth
- Grassleaf starwort
- Great forget-me-not
- Great mullein
- Great willowherb
- Greater burdock
- Greater celandine
- Greater chickweed
- Greater musk-mallow
- Greater yellow-rattle
- Ground elder
- Ground-ivy
- Ground-rooting epidendrum
- Gypsywort
- Hairy bittercress
- Hairy hemp-nettle
- Hairy tare
- Hare's-foot clover
- Harebell
- Heartleaf iceplant
- Heath spotted orchid
- Hedge mustard
- Hedge woundwort
- Hedgerow crane's-bill
- Hemp-agrimony
- Herb Robert
- Hoary ragwort
- Hollowroot birthwort
- Honesty
- Hop trefoil
- Horseradish
- Hottentot-fig
- Indian poke
- Italian arum
- Ivy-leaved toadflax
- Japanese hedge parsley
- Japanese knotweed
- Japanese primrose
- Kamchatka stonecrop
- Lady's mantle
- Lamb's quarters
- Lamb's-ear
- Large-flowered evening primrose
- Large-flowered hemp-nettle
- Large-leaved lupine
- Larger bindweed
- Larkspur
- Leichtlin's camass
- Lemon balm
- Leopard plant
- Lesser celandine
- Lesser periwinkle
- Lettuce
- Lily of the valley
- Lily of the valley vine
- London rocket
- Lucile's Glory-of-the-snow
- Lungwort
- Madagascar periwinkle
- Madagascar widow's-thrill
- Maiden pink
- Maize
- Marsh hawksbeard
- Marsh marigold
- Marsh thistle
- Marsh violet
- Marsh woundwort
- Matted sandmat
- Meadow buttercup
- Meadow clary
- Meadow cranesbill
- Meadow salsify
- Meadow vetchling
- Meadowsweet
- Melancholy thistle
- Milky bellflower
- Missouri primrose
- Mock strawberry
- Moth orchid
- Mother of thousands
- Mount Olympus St. John's wort
- Mouse-ear chickweed
- Mouse-ear hawkweed
- Mugwort
- Musk-mallow
- Narcissus
- Nettle-leaved bellflower
- New England hawkweed
- New York aster
- Nipplewort
- Orange coneflower
- Oregano
- Ox-eye
- Painted euphorbia
- Pampas grass
- Papyrus sedge
- Parsnip
- Peony
- Perennial cornflower
- Perennial honesty
- Perennial peavine
- Perennial wall-rocket
- Persian speedwell
- Pickerel weed
- Pineappleweed
- Plantain lilies
- Poison primrose
- Policeman's helmet
- Prickly lettuce
- Purple coneflower
- Purple cranesbill
- Purple crown vetch
- Purple loosestrife
- Purple-heart
- Pygmy smartweed
- Ragged Robin
- Rape
- Red barrenwort
- Red campion
- Red clover
- Red deadnettle
- Red hot poker
- Red sandspurry
- Red valerian
- Redstem stork's bill
- Ribwort plantain
- Rose campion
- Rose geranium
- Russian globe thistle
- Salad burnet
- Scarlet pimpernel
- Scentless chamomile
- Sea spurge
- Shaggy soldier
- Sharp-fringed sow thistle
- Shepherd's-purse
- Showy stonecrop
- Siberian flag
- Siberian squill
- Sickle alfalfa
- Silver cinquefoil
- Slender sowthistle
- Slender vetch
- Small Balsam
- Small tumbleweed mustard
- Small-flowered crane's-bill
- Smooth hawksbeard
- Smooth mustard
- Sneezewort
- Snow-in-summer
- Solomon's seal
- South African ragwort
- Southern bracken
- Spear thistle
- Spider plant
- Spiked rampion
- Spotted deadnettle
- Spotted loosestrife
- Spreading bellflower
- Spring snowflake
- Square-stalked willowherb
- Squirting cucumber
- St. Augustine grass
- St. John's wort
- Star-of-Bethlehem
- Stork's bill
- Sulphur cinquefoil
- Sun spurge
- Sunflower
- Sweet violet
- Sweet william
- Tansy
- Tarda tulip
- Tasteless stonecrop
- Thymeleaf
- Touch-me-not Balsam
- Tower mustard
- Trailing St John's wort
- Tree tobacco
- Tufted vetch
- Turnip-rooted chervil
- Umbrella papyrus
- Valerian
- Viper's bowstring hemp
- Viper's Bugloss
- Wall lettuce
- Water soldier
- Wavy bittercress
- Wavy heliotrope
- Western pearly everlasting
- White bedstraw
- White campion
- White clover
- White dead-nettle
- Whitlow-grass
- Whorled coreopsis
- Wild angelica
- Wild carrot
- Wild garlic
- Wild strawberry
- Winter aconite
- Wood anemone
- Wood avens
- Wood club-rush
- Wood forget-me-not
- Wood horsetail
- Wood ragwort
- Wood sage
- Wood sorrel
- Wood speedwell
- Wood stitchwort
- Woodland crocus
- Woodruff
- Woolly burdock
- Woolly cinquefoil
- Wooly Buttercup
- Yarrow
- Yellow archangel
- Yellow archangel
- Yellow bedstraw
- Yellow broomrape
- Yellow chamomile
- Yellow flag
- Yellow monkey-flower
- Yellow pimpernel
- Yellow rattle
- Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem
- Yellow sweet clover
- Yellow woodland anemone
- Zinnia