Plantae Pflanzen Plants (664)
General impression/habit | Flowers and flower heads
sorted by botanical species names:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z herbaceous plants woody plants Warning: The last two links should only be clicked with a fast internet connection.
sorted by common family names:
Acanthus family | Adoxaceae | Altingiaceae | Amaranth family | Amaryllis family | Aralia family | Araucariaceae | Arum family | Asparagaceae | Balsam family | Banana family | Barberry family | Bignonia family | Birch family | Bird of Paradise family | Borage family | Boxwood family | Bracken fern family | Broomrape family | Buckthorn family | Buttercup family | Cactaceae | Caltrop family | Canna family | Carpetweed family | Cat-tail family | Cypress family | Dayflower family | Didiereaceae | Dogbane family | Dogwood family | Elaeagnaceae | Evening Primrose family | Figwort family | Four o'clock family | Frankeniaceae | Frog’s-bit family | Geranium family | Ginkgo family | Gooseberry family | Gourd family | Grass family | Grass tree family | Harebell family | Heath family | Hibiscus family | Honeysuckle family | Horseradish-tree family | Horsetail family | Hydrangea family | Iris family | Knotweed family | Leadwort family | Lily family | Loosestrife family | Lopseed family | Madder family | Magnolia family | Mint family | Morning Glory family | Mulberry family | Mustard family | Myrtle family | Nettle family | Nightshade family | Oak or beech family | Olive family | Orchid family | Palm family | Pandanus family | Papaya family | Parsley or carrot family | Pea family | Peony Family | Pepper family | Phlox family | Phyllanthaceae | Pickerel weed family | Pine family | Pink family | Plantain family | Pokeweed family | Poppy family | Portulacaceae | Primrose family | Resedaceae | Rock rose family | Rose family | Saxifrage family | Sedge family | She oak family | Soapberry family | Spurge family | St. Johnswort family | Staff tree family | Stonecrop family | Sumac family | Sunflower family | Tamarisk family | Tropaeolaceae | Verbena family | Violet family | Willow family | Wood Sorrel family | Yew family | Zamiaceae |
Fabaceae Schmetterlingsblütler Pea family (33)
General impression/habit | Flowers and flower heads
Herbaceous plants
Woody plants
- Lotus lancerottensis
- Ononis hesperia
- Argentine senna
- Bastard alfalfa
- Bird of Paradise
- Bird's-foot trefoil
- Black locust
- Bladder senna
- Bokhara clover
- Bush vetch
- Caragana
- Common broom
- Common Laburnum
- Desert false indigo
- Flamboyant
- Garden vetch
- Hairy tare
- Hare's-foot clover
- Hop trefoil
- Large-leaved lupine
- Meadow vetchling
- Needle bush
- Perennial peavine
- Purple crown vetch
- Red clover
- Sickle alfalfa
- Silver senna
- Slender vetch
- Tufted vetch
- Western Australian golden wattle
- White clover
- White leadtree
- Yellow sweet clover