Plantae Pflanzen Plants (664)
General impression/habit | Flowers and flower heads
sorted by botanical species names:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z herbaceous plants woody plants Warning: The last two links should only be clicked with a fast internet connection.
sorted by botanical family names:
Acanthaceae | Adoxaceae | Aizoaceae | Altingiaceae | Amaranthaceae | Amaryllidaceae | Anacardiaceae | Apiaceae | Apocynaceae | Araceae | Araliaceae | Araucariaceae | Arecaceae | Asparagaceae | Asteraceae | Balsaminaceae | Berberidaceae | Betulaceae | Bignoniaceae | Boraginaceae | Brassicaceae | Buxaceae | Cactaceae | Campanulaceae | Cannaceae | Caprifoliaceae | Caricaceae | Caryophyllaceae | Casuarinaceae | Celastraceae | Cistaceae | Commelinaceae | Convolvulaceae | Cornaceae | Crassulaceae | Cucurbitaceae | Cupressaceae | Cyperaceae | Dennstaedtiaceae | Didiereaceae | Elaeagnaceae | Equisetaceae | Ericaceae | Euphorbiaceae | Fabaceae | Fagaceae | Frankeniaceae | Geraniaceae | Ginkgoaceae | Grossulariaceae | Hydrangeaceae | Hydrocharitaceae | Hypericaceae | Iridaceae | Lamiaceae | Liliaceae | Lythraceae | Magnoliaceae | Malvaceae | Moraceae | Moringaceae | Musaceae | Myrtaceae | Nyctaginaceae | Oleaceae | Onagraceae | Orchidaceae | Orobanchaceae | Oxalidaceae | Paeoniaceae | Pandanaceae | Papaveraceae | Phrymaceae | Phyllanthaceae | Phytolaccaceae | Pinaceae | Piperaceae | Plantaginaceae | Plumbaginaceae | Poaceae | Polemoniaceae | Polygonaceae | Pontederiaceae | Portulacaceae | Primulaceae | Ranunculaceae | Resedaceae | Rhamnaceae | Rosaceae | Rubiaceae | Salicaceae | Sapindaceae | Saxifragaceae | Scrophulariaceae | Solanaceae | Strelitziaceae | Tamaricaceae | Taxaceae | Tropaeolaceae | Typhaceae | Urticaceae | Verbenaceae | Violaceae | Xanthorrhoeaceae | Zamiaceae | Zygophyllaceae |
- Ecballium elaterium
- Echinacea purpurea
- Echinocactus grusonii
- Echinops exaltatus
- Echinopsis terscheckii
- Echinopsis huascha
- Echium vulgare
- Elaeagnus angustifolia
- Epidendrum radicans
- Epilobium montanum
- Epilobium hirsutum
- Epilobium angustifolium
- Epilobium tetragonum
- Epimedium × versicolor
- Epimedium × rubrum
- Equisetum sylvaticum
- Eranthis hyemalis
- Erica gracilis
- Erigeron acris
- Erigeron annuus
- Erodium cicutarium
- Erodium sp.
- Eryngium alpinum
- Erythranthe lutea
- Espostoa guentheri
- Espostoa melanostele
- Espostoopsis dybowskii
- Euonymus europaeus
- Eupatorium cannabinum
- Euphorbia viguieri
- Euphorbia helioscopia
- Euphorbia serpens
- Euphorbia stenoclada
- Euphorbia avasmontana
- Euphorbia grandicornis
- Euphorbia neococcinea
- Euphorbia abyssinica
- Euphorbia officinarum subsp. echinus
- Euphorbia epithymoides
- Euphorbia heptagona
- Euphorbia xylophylloides
- Euphorbia polygona
- Euphorbia cooperi
- Euphorbia milii
- Euphorbia pulcherrima
- Euphorbia lactea
- Euphorbia tirucalli
- Euphorbia cyparissias
- Euphorbia paralias
- Euphorbia ingens
- Euphorbia heterophylla