Aves (98)
Vögel Birds
Accipitriformes (4)
Anseriformes Gänsevögel Waterfowl (15)
Bucerotiformes Hopfe, Baumhopfe, Nashornvögel Hoopoe, woodhoopoes, hornbills (1)
Charadriiformes Regenpfeiferartige Gulls, button-quails, plovers and allies (5)
Ciconiiformes Schreitvögel, Storchenvögel Storks and allies (3)
Columbiformes Taubenvögel Doves and pigeons (3)
Coraciiformes Rackenvögel Kingfishers and allies (1)
Falconiformes (1)
Galliformes Hühnervögel Fowl (2)
Gruiformes Kranichvögel Cranes and allies (8)
Passeriformes Sperlingsvögel Passerines (perching birds or songbirds) (32)
Pelecaniformes Ruderfüßer Pelicans and allies (8)
Phoenicopteriformes Flamingos Flamingos (2)
Piciformes Spechtvögel Woodpeckers and allies (3)
Podicipediformes Lappentaucher Grebes (1)
Psittaciformes Papageienvögel Parrots and allies (4)
Strigiformes Eulen Owls (2)
Struthioniformes Laufvögel Cassowaries, emus, kiwis, ostriches and rheas (2)
Suliformes (1)
- African Sacred Ibis
- African Spoonbill
- African Wattled Lapwing
- American Flamingo
- Ara
- Australian Shelduck
- Australian Wood Duck
- Bald Eagle
- Barn Owl
- Berthelots Pipit
- Black Crowned Crane
- Black Swan
- Black Woodpecker
- Black-bellied Whistling Duck
- Black-headed Gull
- Blue Crane
- Blue Tit
- Blue-winged Kookaburra
- Carrion Crow
- Cattle Egret
- Chaffinch
- Chicken
- Common Blackbird
- Common Buzzard
- Common chiffchaff
- Common Kestrel
- Common Magpie
- Common Moorhen
- Common Raven
- Common Starling
- Demoiselle Crane
- Egyptian Goose
- Eurasian Blackcap
- Eurasian Collared Dove
- Eurasian Coot
- Eurasian Eagle-owl
- Eurasian Jay
- Eurasian Nuthatch
- Eurasian tree sparrow
- Eurasian Treecreeper, Common Treecreeper
- European Goldfinch
- European Robin
- Fieldfare
- Gadwall
- Golden Pheasant
- Goosander
- Great Cormorant
- Great Crested Grebe
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
- Great Tit
- Great White Pelican
- Greater Rhea
- Green Woodpecker
- Grey Crowned Crane
- Grey Heron
- Greylag Goose
- Hadeda Ibis
- Harris's Hawk
- Hooded Crow
- Hoopoe
- House Sparrow
- Indian Runner
- Lesser Flamingo
- Little Egret
- Long Tailed Tit
- Mallard
- Mandarin Duck
- Marabou Stork
- Monk Parakeet
- Muscovy Duck
- Mute Swan
- Ostrich
- Red-backed Shrike
- Red-knobbed Coot
- Red-vented Bulbul
- Redwing
- Ring-necked Parakeet
- Rock Dove
- Ruddy Turnstone
- Saddle-billed Stork
- Sanderling
- Scarlet Ibis
- Song Thrush
- Southern Grey Shrike
- Spanish Sparrow
- Spectacled Warbler
- Stonechat
- Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
- Trumpeter Finch
- Tufted Duck
- Wattled Crane
- White Wagtail
- White-backed Vulture
- White-throated Dipper
- Wood Duck, Carolina Duck
- Woodpigeon
- Yellow-billed Stork
- Yellow-legged Gull