Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods) ➔ Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods) ➔ Class Insecta (Insects) ➔ Order Diptera (True flies) ➔ Family Syrphidae (Hoverflies)

Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)

Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege

  • Brachypalpoides lentus, male  3600
    Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)  Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege   
    Brachypalpoides lentus, male
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald; 2010-06-20 09:18:59
    Image number: 3600
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald
    2010-06-20 09:18:59

  • Brachypalpoides lentus, male  3601
    Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)  Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege   
    Brachypalpoides lentus, male
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald; 2010-06-20 09:19:18
    Image number: 3601
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald
    2010-06-20 09:19:18

  • Brachypalpoides lentus, male  3602
    Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)  Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege   
    Brachypalpoides lentus, male
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald; 2010-06-20 09:18:11
    Image number: 3602
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald
    2010-06-20 09:18:11

  • Brachypalpoides lentus, male  5309
    Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)  Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege   
    Brachypalpoides lentus, male
    DE, Chemnitz, Stadtpark; 2012-06-02 13:17:27
    Image number: 5309
    DE, Chemnitz, Stadtpark
    2012-06-02 13:17:27

  • Brachypalpoides lentus  9966
    Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)  Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege   
    Brachypalpoides lentus
    DE, Chemnitz, Harthwald; 2021-05-29 13:44:52
    Image number: 9966

    DE, Chemnitz, Harthwald
    2021-05-29 13:44:52

  • Brachypalpoides lentus, female  9333
    Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)  Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege   
    Brachypalpoides lentus, female
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald; 2020-05-29 13:59:35
    Image number: 9333
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald
    2020-05-29 13:59:35

  • Brachypalpoides lentus, female  9334
    Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)  Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege   
    Brachypalpoides lentus, female
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald; 2020-05-29 13:59:46
    Image number: 9334
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald
    2020-05-29 13:59:46

  • Brachypalpoides lentus, female  9335
    Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)  Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege   
    Brachypalpoides lentus, female
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald; 2020-05-29 14:00:11
    Image number: 9335
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald
    2020-05-29 14:00:11

  • Brachypalpoides lentus, female  9336
    Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen, 1822)  Rote Holzmulmschwebfliege   
    Brachypalpoides lentus, female
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald; 2020-05-29 13:59:26
    Image number: 9336
    DE, Chemnitz, Zeisigwald
    2020-05-29 13:59:26

Brachypalpoides lentus belongs to the subfamily Eristalinae.
Scandinavia to the Pyrenees and central Spain; Ireland through central Europe into European parts of Russia; southern Europe eastwards to the former Yugoslavia and Greece and on into Asia Minor.
Preferred in forests with overmature trees, especially beech trees (Fagus), spruces (Picea) and oak trees (Quercus), including evergreen oak forests.
Brachypalpoides lentus is a 11 - 14 mm long, black-legged, predominantly black-colored fly with strongly red marked abdomen segments 2 and 3 and black abdomen tip. The hind legs are moderately thickened and hairy at the base.
The adults fly from April to July. They are preferably to find on the edge of forest clearings and on the ground near felled or fallen trees. The flies visit umbelliferae, hawthorn (Crataegus), labweed (Galium), raspberry (Rubus idaeus) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia).
The larvae develop in moist, fungus-infected rotten wood. The species was bred from the wood of the trunk base of an old, living beech.

References, further reading, links:
  1. Gerald Bothe: Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Schwebfliegen (Diptera, Syrphidae) Deutschlands und der Niederlande, DJN, 1984, ISBN 3-923376-07-3
  2. M.C.D.Speight: Species Accounts of European Syrphidae (Diptera), Glasgow 2011, Syrph the Net, the database of European Syrphidae, vol. 65, 285 pp., Syrph the Net publications, Dublin.