Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods) ➔ Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods) ➔ Class Insecta (Insects) ➔ Order Diptera (True flies) ➔ Family Syrphidae (Hoverflies)
Eristalis (Eoseristalis) pertinax (Scopoli, 1763)
Gemeine Keilfleckschwebfliege Tapered Drone Fly
Synonyms and other combinations:
Conops lucorum Meigen, 1838 | Eristalis consobrina Illiger, 1807 | Eristalis fossarum Meigen, 1822 | Eristalis guadelupensis Macquart, 1842 | Eristalis inca Bigot, 1880 | Syrphus flavitarsis Malm, 1860 | Syrphus similis Fallen, 1817 |
Eristalis pertinax belongs to the subfamily Eristalinae, tribe Eristalini.Distribution:
Fennoscandia south to Iberia and the Mediterranean; from Ireland through much of Europe into European parts of Russia and Turkey.Habitat:
Forest, farmland, gardens, parks, preferably in sheltered areas with shrubs and trees.Description:
Eristalis pertinax has a body length of 11 - 16.5 mm. The fore feet are yellowish. The pterostigma is dark brown and 2 - 3 times as long as wide. On the 2nd abdomen segment are always two orange-yellow spots, which may be less pronounced in females. The males of the Tapered Drone Fly have a long, conical abdomen and black hind femora.Biology:
Eristalis pertinax flies in at least two generations from February to November. It also flies on cold days and prefers cool, rather shady places on warm days. Adults visit the flowers of a wide range of low-growing herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees.The larvae can occur in all types of waters, provided they are sufficiently rich in nutrients. The aquatic larvae are of the rat tailed maggot type.
References, further reading, links:
- Pape T. & Thompson F.C. (eds) (2017). Systema Dipterorum (version 2.0, Jan 2011). In: Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life, 2017 Annual Checklist (Roskov Y., Abucay L., Orrell T., Nicolson D., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., DeWalt R.E., Decock W., De Wever A., Nieukerken E. van, Zarucchi J., Penev L., eds.). Digital resource at Species 2000: Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands. ISSN 2405-884X.
- M.C.D.Speight: Species Accounts of European Syrphidae (Diptera), Glasgow 2011, Syrph the Net, the database of European Syrphidae, vol. 65, 285 pp., Syrph the Net publications, Dublin.
- Gerald Bothe: Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Schwebfliegen (Diptera, Syrphidae) Deutschlands und der Niederlande, DJN, 1984, ISBN 3-923376-07-3
- Menno Reemer, Willem Renema, Wouter van Steenis, Theo Zeegers, Aat Barendregt, John T. Smit, Mark P. van Veen, Jeroen van Steenis, Laurens van der Leij: De Nederlandse Zweefvliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae), Nederlandse Fauna 8, 2009.
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- Sun Fly
- Tapered Drone Fly
- Thick legged Hoverfly
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