- Argyresthiidae
- Blastobasidae
- Bucculatricidae
- Coleophoridae
- Lypusidae
- Peleopodidae
- Roeslerstammiidae
- Stathmopodidae
- Ypsolophidae
- Bagworm moths
- Brush-footed butterflies
- Burnet moths
- Clearwing moths
- Concealer moths
- Cossid millers
- Diamondback moths
- Ermine moths
- Fairy moths
- Flower moths
- Fungus moths or tineid moths
- Geometer or inchworm moths
- Ghost moths
- Gossamer-wing butterflies
- Grass moths, tussock moths
- Hawk moths
- Hook-tips
- Leafminer moths
- Leafroller moths
- Longhorned moths
- Mandibulate moths
- Many-plumed moths
- Metalmark moths
- Mompha moths
- Owlet moths
- Pigmy moths
- Plume moths
- Prominent moths
- Sedge moths
- Skippers
- Snout moths
- Snout moths or lappet moths
- Swallowtails
- Tiger, tussock and owlet moths
- Tuft moths
- Twirler moths
- Whites and sulphurs